
NEW RULES. More paper

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The Real Estate Council of BC has created new rules that effect how real estate advisors and their clients can work together throughout different types of real estate transactions. The rules came into effect June 15, 2018 and were created to enhance consumer protection and increase transparency in the industry. These rules include several new disclosure forms that all real estate advisors must present to consumers and their clients. The forms help you make an informed decision on your rights and the obligations and responsibilities of your advisor or if you choose to become an unrepresented party. In addition, if listing your property there is greater transparency on commissions. To understand how these new rules could apply to you in your next real estate transaction, talk with your real estate advisor. 

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Vancity Going Ahead with 2,500 Home Development.


Found this little ditty on Vancouver is awesome and it looks like there is going to be at least 40 per cent of which will be secured for either low or moderate-income households, under details released by the City of Vancouver this week. Something that is desperately needed in this town. 

You can read more here at the city's website. HEATHERLANDS.

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High fives today.

Homeowners who just sold their home.

I'm sorry to to say good bye to these two. Sometimes the cards that are dealt don't always go according to plan. I'm happy to have had the opportunity to sell, then buy and again sell all of their homes. Great clients are hard to say goodbye to. All the best you guys.



False Creek Final Plans Released

After hearing from more than 17,500 people at over 90 events in the past 18 months, the city of Vancouver has finally released it's plans for False Creek. This has been a long time coming and I can't wait for it. To learn more about what the plan is all about click the image.
